2012年5月13日 星期日

C2R Class - Journal Writing & Speech

  Gentry 口述他的內容。
Wilson 的報告內容!
 Geoff your turn now !
Good job done, Oscar !

C2R 上課情形

 Teacher Brian 解釋口述「我」的用法!
 如: My friend and I.  ( 而非   I and friend. ) -------- etc.
家座會之景 !

2012年4月24日 星期二

C1R ( English Level 4 ) 上課情形

 ( Poppleton Everyday - The New Bed ) 故事內容很精彩喔!


Students were very enthusiastic to read the text - story.
 - How many different ways do you sleep ? -----------



Teacher Kenny 發現小朋友有唸錯的字 ,馬上


一般常唸錯的字及其字意 ( 1年級)
 如 白板所列 !

4月27日 (  星期五 ) 該單元故事結束,
( Spelling, Vocabulary,  Comprehension,
  and Dictation Test )

2012年4月19日 星期四

Current Events - Jasmine's Report

Jasmine report
  1. What is  " Linsanity " ?
  2. Who started it ?
  3 .Where did it sdtart ?  and What caused it ?
  4. What is your opinion about " Linsanity ? "

Current Events - Joshua's Report

Joshua report
1. Jeremy Lin's NBA Career
2. Where did it start ?  and  how did his teammates
    feel about him ?
3. How was his best game ?
4. How does Jeremy Lin feel about playing in the
    NBA ?
5. How do you feel about J. Lin in the NBA ?

Current Events - Chanel's Report

Chanel's Report
 1. Jeremy Lin's affection of Basketball. Where did he learn to
  play ?  Who taught him ?
 2. Why was he taught ? and How does his family feel about him
     playing basketball ?
 3. How do you feel about how he plays basketball ?

Current Events - Jacqueline's report

Jacqueline Report
 1. Jeremy Lin's University Days
 2. Where did he go to Unitersity ?
 3. How did he do an the Harvard Team ?
 4. What did he study, and how did he do in classes ?
 5. How do you feel about J. Lin going to Harvard ?
Benny' s Report:
  1.Where did Jeremy Lin learn to play
   basketball ?
 2.Who taught him ?
    3. How does his family feel about him playing
    4. How do you feel about how he plays
  basketball ?

Current Events - Iris' Report

Iris' report :
 1. What is " Linsanity ? "
    2. Who started it ?
    3. Where did it start ?  and what cause it ?
 4. What is your opinion about " Linsanity ?”

Grade 4 - Current Events Time (實事報導時間)

這是Harry 的報導情形

Harry Report about
 1. Jeremy Lin's childhood and family life
 2. Where are his parents from ?
 3. What did he want to be when he was young ?
 4. How do you feel about his early life ?

C4R ( 恰克Level 10) 老師上課情形

外師英文上課: If you make a Million
    老師說明 座標圖解可協助你了解資料

  Graphic sources make it eassier to red certain types of  
 information include maps, diagrams, charts, tables, schedules, and time lines.

小朋友很感興趣呢 !

C4R ( 恰克Level 10) 班 英文時事報導課上課情形

Benny 回答老師問題

2012年4月17日 星期二




日期: 4月20日(星期五)晚上7:00–8:30

地點:恰克美語 #152號活動室


2012年4月11日 星期三

Grade 4 ( C4Y ) 班 英文上課情形


  The scene of the class:  Grammar Practice & Spelling Practice

  Grammar: Past-Tense Verbs (文法 - 過去式動詞練習 )

小說討論時間 (Novel - Matilda )
 Angel 回答問題!

                                                                  老師 Teacher Steve  指導學生練習題中正確答案!

Teacher Steve 指導學生上課情形
Sabrina 回答小說討論問題

2012年4月9日 星期一

三年級 ( Grade C3R & C3Y )外師示範教學, 家長座談會

       Midori 述說她閱讀小說作業報告!


                              外師 示範 教學配合Power Point 影片

                              家長邊聽邊忙著看資料  一景!

                   Small Teacher 說:等會兒我會撥放錄影帶
                    加拿大學生演講比賽得獎之前 3名學生



 Teacher Sue 示範教學:
 3年級小說 - James and the Giant Peach
 她在班級裡的教學方式 - 先提出生字、
 解釋 生字並附3-4個有關故事情節 問題做

   旁邊學生 Sean 問 Small Teacher 要問我問題

             Small Teacher 解說有關小說課程的重要性!


三年級 ( Grade C3R & C3Y )外師示範教學, 家長座談會


2012年4月5日 星期四

C3Y - 上課情形

老師解說課文故事情節 !

C3Y Class - 英文寫作時間

Teacher Sue instructed students " how to write a poem " .

  ( 老師指導學生如何寫 "詩詞 ") !

C3R ( Chuck English Level 8 )班 : Subjects and Predicates Practice !

老師問 Allen  " 你可回答 這一句子中缺少什麼 ( subject or   predicate ? )  


" Subjects and Predicates " Practice !

C3R ( Chuck English Level 8 )班上課情形


 Teacher James instructed " a subject and a predicate are about ".



C3R班英文上課熱烈情形 ( Chuck English Level 8 )

當老師問學生指出 句子中 那一個是 " subject
 or predicate " ?
   ( 主詞和述語動詞時大家搶著回答情形!)

2012年3月30日 星期五

Grade 4 Social Studies Class: Research Report - Taiwan's Natural Resources

Teacher Joe instructs students how to find information from
 web-site on the subject - topic : Taiwan's Natural Sources.


 Teacher Joe said " Woh, Harry, this is a good reearch ! You only need  to change a couple of words ".
  另 Sabrina 的研究報告是 " Pinapple / 鳳梨 "
       Jacqueline 的研究報告是 " Pig / 豬 "

  都很精彩喔 ! 看到小朋友用心在尋找資料、研究、寫報告、說明等一連串的實事求是的
  態度,真是令 人感到欣慰!當然外師 Teacher Joe 的耐心指導,也是一大功臣!希望在下次的

2012年3月29日 星期四

Oil (石油 )是 Benny 的報告主題!

Angel 的研究報告主題是 " 橘子 / Orange " .

 Angel 準備很多有關橘子的資料,老師給予最後的提示

  ◎ 嘿,Angel 放清鬆不要緊張!盡力了就可!

 Here is Chanel's turn !  Her topic is " What is Resources " ?

  (什麼是天然資源 ? )


Jasmine 的研究報告是有關家禽 ─ 雞
 你可知雄雞是如何吸引雌雞的嗎 ?
  您可請教Jasmine, 她會很專業的告訴您喔!

Hey, Selena your turn !

Selena 的研究報告是 台灣的天然資源有 -------
